5 Things You Might Not Know About MediSked

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1. Person-Centered: All new-hires at MediSked, regardless of their role, participate in person-centered planning training as part of the orientation process. Why is it important to have software developers, engineers or compliance analysts committed to understanding the underpinnings or person-centeredness? Because it’s our culture to be inclusive and at MediSked we want to ensure that every employee, in every role within our organization, understands the implications of the work that we do and how it directly impacts the lives of people in our community.



2. Educated and Informed: MediSked employees receive regular trainings and updates about real issues impacting insurance organizations, state/local governments, and provider agencies. Topics like “Addressing the Workforce Crisis” are presented in detail creating a sensitivity and awareness within our organization about the reality of doing business in the health and human service industry.




3. Interested: We love to meet and learn from groups that aren’t necessarily affiliated with us! That’s right, even if you’re not using MediSked as your software vendor, we are still interested in the breadth and variety of service options, innovative ideas, thoughtful conversations and perspective that comes from you! Reach out and tell us about your out-of-the-box residential or employment design, positive support strategies, ideas about trauma-informed care, your challenges and your success stories!




4. Established: MediSked Solutions are nationwide. As we approach our 15th birthday, you can find a variety of users implementing MediSked Solutions across 39 states. Chances are good that we’re already supporting or touching an organization that you have some connection with.




5. Insightful: MediSked is the leading brand in holistic solutions that improves lives, drives efficiencies and generates innovations for human service organizations that support our community. As component of that commitment, MediSked has a robust Integration & Analytics Consulting Practice to help our partners drive efficiencies, improve outcomes and enhance cost efficacy by bringing together data from disparate sources and evaluating that data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement.



Rachel Hendrickson is a Solutions Representative with MediSked, LLC who has a passion for finding innovations and efficiencies that strive to bring the focus of the work done within the human services industry back to the person rather than the process. Prior to joining MediSked, Rachel worked for 13 years within the state of Ohio both for a private provider agency and with multiple county boards.

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