Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
MediSked offers end-to-end software solutions for the care of individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD)
A leader in waiver management and integrated technology solutions, MediSked serves provider organizations, care coordination/case management entities, payers, and government agencies. We offer a full-featured software ecosystem of platforms designed for agencies serving individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD).
Our technology solutions place people at the center, with user-friendly tools that allow individuals receiving services and those supporting them access to the information they need to craft and deliver high quality and compliant care.
As a company, MediSked focuses on building software that enables technologies and business processes that encourage interoperability, software reusability, and integration with external data sources, such as clinical data or MMIS sources.

See Our Software Solutions for IDD in Action
Having provided technology solutions to agencies providing IDD and other long-term supports for over 20 years, MediSked understands and supports the goals of all organizations in the IDD industry:
Empower and support individuals with developmental disabilities to live independently and work in competitive integrated employment with their communities
MediSked was founded by two former direct service professionals (DSPs) who wanted better technology tools so that they could focus more on supporting their clients than on the computer. This background in the industry informs our culture as a company. The importance of empowering and connecting individuals to live integrated and full lives is reinforced in everything MediSked does, from our engineering department, to our training specialists. As a company, MediSked believes in these values. We have designed our platforms to give those supporting individuals one less thing to worry about (i.e. technology) so that more emphasis can be placed on quality services and efficiency. We understand how waiver services, from respite, to group homes, to employment services, work, and have centered our platforms’ features and functionality to support your workflows and regulations, and to also give secure access to providers and individuals to have more visibility into their services.
Advocate for the elimination of waiting lists while providing services to individuals and their families
MediSked knows that many states face challenges with managing and monitoring waiver waitlists. We are enhancing our waiver waitlist management functionality, guided by a former state waiver program manager.
Improve the well-being and independence of individuals receiving home-and-community-based services
MediSked understands the importance of using data to drive improvements. We offer powerful data analytics tools as part of our case management solution suite that allow agencies to monitor the effectiveness of services from the population down to the individual level, allowing you to ensure you are making strides in improving the well-being and independence of individuals.