Streamline Care Management
Centralize complex care management processes from the assessment through planning, service authorization, record management, and documentation.

Person-Centered Planning & Assessments
- Build Client-Specific Assessments Incorporating Industry-Standard Tools
- Configure Individual Service Plans
- Pre-Populate Tasks & Goals Based on Responses
- Track Plan Approval, History, and Changes

Care Coordination / Care Management
- View, Filter, and Bulk Reassign Caseloads
- Create and Configure Tasks, Task Types, and Workflows
- View Task Calendar, Log Notes & Activity
- Integrated Task Logging

Billing & Claims
- Submit, Track, Manage, and Reconcile Claims
- Manage Billing Exceptions
- Track and Manage Current and Historical Billing Rates
- Generate Service Documentation and Audit Review for Billable Activities
Discover Why Care Management Organizations Choose MediSked Coordinate
Centralize Care Management Tasks
MediSked Coordinate simplifies care management activities such as assessments, planning, caseload management, service authorizations, documentation, submitting claims, contact management, and more. The assessment is the cornerstone of person-centered planning and Coordinate streamlines the process by pulling the data to pre-populate the plan, making updates effortless. Simple tools for reporting and budgeting ensure that time is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals, not complicated administration.

- Services & Authorizations: Track and manage the services, providers, and locations the individual utilizes.
- Individual Records: Configure fields on records, view individual demographics, manage addresses and insurance, track enrollment status, manage circles of support, access individual plans and assessments, and attach files.
- Clinical Data: Ingest, manage, track, and report on ICD-10 codes for diagnoses and conditions. View medications, allergies, and immunizations. Share data with third-party sources (RHIOs, HIEs), as well as hospitalization admission and discharge alerts.
- Reports: A variety of standard, self-service, and custom reports enable insights into day-to-day activities, workload management, quality and performance measures, as well as organization-specific needs such as enrollment management.
- Forms & Documents: Attach files, associate forms/documents with tasks, assign documents to employees, create your own letters/documents, report on online document values, add notification and notice of eligibility letters, and setup welcome letter workflows.
- Alerts: Set user-selected or role-based alerts for caseload assignments, hospitalizations, birthdays, exceeded caseload weights, tasks, and more!
- Portal: Pair Coordinate with MediSked Portal to collaborate and communicate, delivering critical information between individuals and teams.
Transition to Managed Care
"This population has a lot of providers that are non-medical. Most systems only give tasks to the care manager: 'Make this appointment, do this, do that.' Our system gives assignments across the spectrum of providers. That's what we couldn't get any other system to do. This transforms the way we work."
Dr. Jan AbelsethPartners Health Plan