- May 16, 2023 at 2:00 PM EDT
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MediSked and The National Association of County Behavioral Health & Developmental Disability Directors (NACBHDD) are hosting a webinar on dual diagnosis on May 16 at 2:00 pm ET. Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) require unique supports and services. However, when this population is also diagnosed with mental health conditions it can be difficult for them to receive the needed services to flourish. Though the exact statistic is unknown, most professionals approximate that up to 40% of people with intellectual and development disabilities also experience mental health conditions. The term dual diagnosis covers individuals who have an intellectual and developmental disability in addition to a co-occurring mental health disorder. Individuals with dual diagnosis face unique challenges in receiving treatment, exacerbated by both a lack of training for clinicians and limited understanding about efficacious treatment options. Join us as we examine efforts from federal, national, and local leaders to ensure that those with a dual diagnosis receive the care and services they need.
- Mary Sowers, Executive Director, National Association of State Directors of Development Disability Services
- Jennifer Johnson, Deputy Director of the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Administration for Community Living
- Nancy Kelly, Branch Chief, Mental Health Promotion, Division of Prevention, Traumatic Stress and Special Programs, Center for Mental Health Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Sherry Arbuckle, Service Access and Operations Director, Sedgwick County Developmental Disability Organization