Celebrating the 27th Anniversary of the ADA – Looking to the Future

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Today we celebrate the 27th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). On July 26, 1990, the landmark civil rights legislation was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. Throughout the past 27 years, our country has advanced the rights, accessibility, and inclusion of individuals. However, there is always more work to be done to reach full integration in the community and access to necessary supports and services.

I spent this week at The Arc’s NCE Summer Leadership Institute learning and exchanging ideas with leaders of the disability community from across the country. The conference was full of sessions about improving employment, implementing supported decision-making, achieving fully person-centered processes, and more. The aging and disability community has many people fighting for these rights through changes in legislation, restructuring of frameworks in agencies, and raising awareness. As a country, we need to unite together to continue to improve and that requires bringing people with disabilities into the conversations as we all continue our work.

MediSked Connect – Agency Management Platform, allows providers more flexibility, personalized options, and creative solutions through our technology to provide individuals with person-centered, self-directed supports to live the life they choose. MediSked Portal – Person-Centered Portal allows individuals and their circles of supports access to their service plan, assessments, forms, and the ability to approve or disapprove their service notes, plan and more. MediSked Portal provides individuals with visibility into their lives and make the process more person-centered.

For over 14 years, MediSked has been the leading brand in holistic solutions that improve lives, drive efficiencies, and generate innovation for human service organizations that support our community. Individual support plans help ensure health and safety, and it wouldn’t be possible to live the fullest, most meaningful life without ADA and supports made possible by providers.

Linda Nakagawa

Linda Nakagawa

Linda Nakagawa is the Industry Policy Analyst at MediSked.

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