Check-In / Check-Out on MediSked Connect Offers Agencies Operational Efficiencies and Compliance with EVV Requirements

Check-In / Check-Out on MediSked Connect Offers Agencies Operational Efficiencies and Compliance with EVV Requirements

The December 2016 21st Century Cures Act set out a mandate for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) which requires logging specific information for services – the individual, service provider, exact date, start and end times, type of service, and location of a delivery of the service. While full implementation of the EVV mandate is still pending additional regulatory guidance for agencies providing Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS), many are already implementing the best practice of using Check-In / Check-Out on MediSked Connect – Agency Management Platform to capture this important information.

Even without configuring the EVV aspects of Check-In / Check-Out on Connect, agencies who enable this functionality will gain operational and billing efficiencies. Check-In / Check-Out offers users the ability to easily and accurately log their shifts, as well as capture the exact start and end time of a service. This improves billing accuracy, especially for hourly billed services. It also decreases the potential for fraud and abuse.

Connect also offers the convenient Batch Check-In / Check-Out capability through the Mobile Lite Site specifically designed for phones and tablets. Using Batch Check-In / Check-Out, an entire group of individuals can be selected to check-in or out at once. For example, if a bus of individuals arrives for a day program, the check-in for all participants can be completed together – as long as their transportation has been previously identified.

Both the full Connect site and Mobile Lite Site offer several Check-In / Check-Out functions. To take advantage of the complete capabilities of this resource, using both sites is recommended. The full site contains several of the configuration options – and some will need to be set by a Connect administrator at the agency. Users providing services will benefit from the easy to use Mobile Lite Site. Keep in mind that to take advantage of the EVV capabilities, users must have location services turned on when using a mobile device.

MediSked recently offered Connect software users a walk-through of the capabilities of Check-In / Check-Out and how to configure the related EVV options. Connect clients who want more information or to request a copy of the recording of the webinar can contact If you are not a client but are interested in learning more, you can Request a Demo.

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