Still Using Internet Explorer To Access A MediSked Platform? It’s Time To Switch!


MediSked will follow Microsoft’s lead as it retires Internet Explorer

At MediSked, we always emphasize the security and consistent user experience of our solutions. Given that Microsoft has decided to transition away from Internet Explorer (IE) in 2021, it’s time that we do the same.

Microsoft has already begun sunsetting IE and will continue to do so through August 2021. As a result, IE will not offer a secure and consistent browsing experience for users. Additionally, continuing to use IE creates risks for security, compliance, and support.

To encourage MediSked’s users to seek compliant and safe browsers, MediSked will be phasing out support for all versions of IE. Going forward, MediSked platforms will be designed and tested to be compatible with the most recent versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari browsers only. Our compatibility page always contains the most up-to-date browser information.

In an effort to support a smooth transition, MediSked has begun to post login warnings for users who attempt to log in from IE, reminding them to switch to a compatible browser. Over the next few months, users will no longer be able to login to their MediSked platform using IE. For more detailed information, users can see the timeline provided on our dedicated webpage.

The MediSked Compliance Team is dedicated to ensuring a safe, compliant, and supportive client experience. Sunsetting IE is one of many ways in which we strive to deliver a consistent and secure environment that incorporates the latest regulatory requirements.

Mica and Tyler

Mica Venturo & Tyler Blake

Tyler Blake is the Privacy Officer at MediSked, LLC, and has worked here for over three years. Mica Venturo is a Compliance Policy Analyst at MediSked, LLC, and has worked here for over one year.

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