MediSked Support: Ensuring Success Across the Board

MediSked Support: Ensuring Success Across the Board
Members of the MediSked Support team
Members of the MediSked Support team

There is never a dull moment at MediSked. Developing new features, studying up on regulatory changes, attending conferences and workshops – every MediSked Organization stays engaged, inspired, and eager to learn and accomplish groundbreaking achievements. The MediSked Support Team is no exception.

The MediSked Support Team is a hardworking, high-performing organization offering top-tier assistance and providing solutions to all MediSked Software users. Whether via email or phone, Support is available to offer configuration assistance, answer How-To questions, facilitate the creation of SubPlan templates, DBA Requests, and share new feature requests from our users with the Product Strategy and Design team. MediSked Software users have a unique perspective on MediSked Software and their ideas have resulted in impressive features coming to fruition such as the Refreshed Observation Entry and brand-new Observation Reporting that are due out this year.

Breakdown of Support Case Requests

Support By the Numbers

The sheer number of cases Support handles is impressive. Between January 1st, 2019 to April 30, 2019, Support has resolved a total of 1,375 cases. Of these 1,375 cases:

  • 67% were How-To / Configuration Questions
  • 20% were Feature or Database Requests, such as Data Uploads and SubPlan Template creation
  • 7% were Billing / Automation Questions
  • 6% were Reported Issues

In addition to providing timely, extraordinary, one to one support, the MediSked Support Team persistently maintains and creates articles for MediSked’s robust Knowledge Base to ensure MediSked Software users have access to MediSked Resources 24/7. These articles provide step-by-step instructions on how to utilize features, configure Entities within MediSked Software, and provide general How-To information that empower MediSked Software users to use their MediSked Software to enrich the lives of those individuals that they support.

Feedback screenshot

Always Striving to Reach the Next Level

As incredible as MediSked’s Support Team is, Medisked appreciates that there is always room for growth. User feedback is highly encouraged as it is essential in helping the MediSked Support team develop and grow.  MediSked welcomes honest and insightful feedback, be it positive or negative, to help the Support team better serve our users’ needs.

MediSked Testimonial

This feedback is gathered in a variety of ways such as, Client Satisfaction Surveys, Client Engagement Team on-sites, the User Group Discussion Board, and via “CStats”. “CStat” is short for Customer Satisfaction and they are included on each Resolved Support case email. Once a Support case is resolved, an email is sent to the owner of the case with information regarding the resolution of the case. At the bottom of the email are a series of four faces with varying degrees of emotion.

In addition to the Faces, the owner of the case can enter a text response to provide more information regarding their experience with MediSked Support, as illustrated by the review below.

Customer Satisfaction Image

Though MediSked Support always strives for GREAT, Support is always looking for ways to better serve those that utilize MediSked Software. Here are two ways your feedback directly helps us to provide even better service:

  • Glowing Reviews: (GREAT or GOOD) from our MediSked Software users earns our Technical Support Specialists rewards such as gift cards to local businesses and opportunities to take their choice of courses at the Rochester Brainery.
  • Growth Opportunity Reviews: (FAIR or POOR) are evaluated by the Support Account Manager and the Technical Support Specialist Lead to determine if the review regards the Resolution Outcome or the quality of support provided by the Technical Support Specialist. If the review is Resolution Outcome based, the Support Account Manager and Technical Support Specialist Lead will review the case to see if a better solution can be reached. This could include putting in an Enhancement Ticket with the Product Strategy and Design Team for future consideration or brainstorming existing features that could help the user ultimately reach the desired goal. If the review regards the quality of support provided by the Technical Support Specialist, the Support Account Manager and Technical Support Specialist Lead will provide one-to-one coaching to ensure that the Technical Support Specialist does not miss a Growth Opportunity to offer the best support they can.

As MediSked appreciates the time and care that goes into providing CStat reviews, each CStat response earns the user an entry into a raffle to win MediSked goodies and at the end of the year, an Amazon Gift Card.

MediSked Testimonial

We’re Here For You

You can reach a technical support specialist by phone Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm ET. Another option is accessing immediate assistance through MediSked’s self-service support center, which includes:

  • Growing knowledge base of articles
  • Video tutorials to assist in the onboarding and training of staff
  • Create new tickets
  • View current and past tickets
  • Interact with currently open tickets

MediSked Testimonial

Support emails will receive responses within 24 hours. From diligently troubleshooting Support cases to attending professional development courses to writing documentation, the MediSked Support Team is constantly in motion. The MediSked Support Team is made up of industrious problem-solvers that are dedicated to providing the best assistance to our MediSked Software users. The MediSked Support Team is committed to making our users’ lives easier, so in turn, our users can continue to do the phenomenal work they do supporting our community.

Liz Partridge

Lizzie Partridge

Lizzie Partridge is a Support Account Manager with MediSked. With a background in Special Education, Lizzie is proud to work for a company that strives to help individuals improve their quality of life. Lizzie’s favorite part of the job is the relationships she has made with both her colleagues and the wonderful MediSked users.

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