Thought Leadership from MediSked Experts

Billing 101: The Lifecycle of a Claim in MediSked Connect

Billing 101: The Lifecycle of a Claim in MediSked Connect

A walk through the entire billing process – following the submission of an agency’s claim from our MediSked Connect platform, through our HIPAA certified billing and automation to the payer, and finally following the claim acceptance back into Connect.

Upcoming Webinar - Value Over Volume: The Shift to Value-Based Purchasing for I/DD

Implementing Value-Based Payments Across the HCBS Continuum

Value-Based Payments (VBP) is a reimbursement model that shifts away from compensating providers based on volume (fee-for-service), and towards a model which rewards providers based on their efficiency and quality of care.

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5 Things You Might Not Know About MediSked

1. Person-Centered: All new-hires at MediSked, regardless of their role, participate in person-centered planning training as part of the orientation process. Why is it important

Data Web Illustration

What You Need to Know About Interoperability

Learn what interoperability is, why we need it, and how MediSked can help in this blog by the Director of MediSked’s Interface & Analytics Consulting Practice.