What’s new in Managed Care for I/DD services
A look at some states that are currently implementing or running Managed Care for I/DD services.
Health & Human Services Clients
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) & Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS)
A look at some states that are currently implementing or running Managed Care for I/DD services.
We put together a checklist to use when checking out software to see if meets the HIPAA standards.
To make an informed decision about investing in a technology, you need to know what an agency management platform contains and doesn’t.
Dave Richard, the Executive Director at The Arc of North Carolina, discusses his agency’s experience with their state’s transition to Managed Care Organizations (MCOs).
Growing the skills of direct care workers is the key.
The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server…
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