Thought Leadership from MediSked Experts

Spreading Awareness of Elder Abuse

Spreading Awareness of Elder Abuse

We all deserve to lead happy and healthy lives free from abuse as we age, yet older people are mistreated more often than we think.

MediSked Advisor Council Logo

Who’s Who on the MediSked Advisor Council

Meet MediSked’s Advisor Council of talented professionals who are steeped in the industry to provide strategic guidance, recommendations, and direction for the company.

An Introvert’s Tips for Better Public Speaking

A Crash Course in Managed Care

Through monitoring and advisement, a managed care program intends to ensure a standard of care is delivered, performance is measurable, and costs are controlled through various pre-established methods.

Why MediSked is a Best Place to Work

Why MediSked is a Best Place to Work

Employee Experience Supervisor Amanda Cates shares her perspective on why and what makes MediSked stand out among employers in our community and our industry.

The Inaugural National Assistive Technology Awareness Day

The Inaugural National Assistive Technology Awareness Day

The United States Senate unanimously adopted a resolution declaring National Assistive Technology Awareness Day, as “assistive technology devices and services are not luxury items but necessities for millions of people with disabilities and older adults, without which they would be unable to live in their communities, access education, and obtain, retain, and advance gainful, competitive integrated employment.”

March 2019: So Much to Celebrate in Human Services

March 2019: So Much to Celebrate in Human Services

March celebrates a number of important populations and advocacy on critical issues. MediSked joins with people across the US and the world to acknowledge these messages and raise awareness during this important month.