Advancing Health Equity: North Carolina’s Commitment to a Healthier Future
Learn about North Carolina’s efforts to address health equity with partnerships between government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the private sector.
Health & Human Services Clients
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) & Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS)
Learn about North Carolina’s efforts to address health equity with partnerships between government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the private sector.
At the White House Conference on Hunger, hosted on September 28, 2022, President Joe Biden presented his five-pillar approach to take action in this important mission. So far, 60+ companies and organizations have pledged over $8 billion in support of the plan.
Both Medicare and Medicaid are important programs that allow individuals who cannot or would not have private insurance to maintain coverage for lifesaving medical services. Cheers to 57 years!
MediSked Advisor Kathy Brown, BA RN CDDN discusses the direct support professional (DSP) staffing crisis and policy solutions to address it.
Part of MediSked’s State of State series is the ongoing discussion of how each state achieves compliance with the HCBS Final Rule, which outlines specifics for providing conflict-free case management to individuals receiving HCBS waiver services. But what does “conflict-free care management” mean?
This insight explores strategies to improve behavioral health in the US, from ACA in 2010 to President Biden’s 2022 strategy.
CMS has fully approved 48 states’ spending plans, 20 of which plan to use the funding to directly address waitlists.
The state allocated $36 million in 2021, which represented a seven percent increase in IDD funding—the largest budget increase in Kansas history for IDD waiver services.
Across the United States, there are over 800,000 individuals waiting for waiver services and the number grows each year. Additional funding from the American Rescue Plan could make a huge difference in access to services.
We recently introduced a new module that easily integrates into MediSked platforms to collect, ingest, and report on data from a variety of survey types.
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