Tag: Health & Human Services Technology

Health Information Exchange

Health Information Exchange 101

Health Information Exchange (HIE) is the movement of health care information electronically across organizations within a state, region, community, or hospital system. HIEs are also organizations that facilitate information exchange.

State of the State of Kansas

The State of the State of Kansas

The state allocated $36 million in 2021, which represented a seven percent increase in IDD funding—the largest budget increase in Kansas history for IDD waiver services.

NCSAM Cybersecurity Series: DevSecOps with Sr DevSecOps Engineer Nathan Westerman

Improving Security with DevSecOps

MediSked Senior DevSecOps Engineer Nathan Westerman shares his unique perspective on why agencies looking for a software solution should look for a company with a DevSecOps team.

NCSAM Cybersecurity Series: Turning the Tables on Threat Actors with Chief Information Security Officer Shayne Champion

Turning the Tables on Threat Actors

MediSked’s Chief Information Security Officer, Shayne Champion, details the magnitude of the cybercrime industry and how we can stop it.

Hunting Bugs with Software Tester Jackie Beiter

Good Will Bug Hunting

Get a peek behind the curtain at MediSked’s Software Testing organization with MediSked Software Tester Jackie Beiter.