Addressing Nutrition Concerns for Individuals with IDD and Older Adults
Sr. Industry Policy Analyst Linda Nakagawa examines nutrition as a Social Determinant of Health (SDoH) in IDD and aging populations.
Health & Human Services Clients
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) & Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS)
Sr. Industry Policy Analyst Linda Nakagawa examines nutrition as a Social Determinant of Health (SDoH) in IDD and aging populations.
CMS has fully approved 48 states’ spending plans, 20 of which plan to use the funding to directly address waitlists.
The state allocated $36 million in 2021, which represented a seven percent increase in IDD funding—the largest budget increase in Kansas history for IDD waiver services.
MediSked Privacy Officer Tyler Blake explains the value-based payment (VBP) model and how quality can be measured to determine reimbursement for the IDD population.
Learn all about what self-direction is and why we encourage it from MediSked Relationship Manager Alyssa Galiney.
Across the United States, there are over 800,000 individuals waiting for waiver services and the number grows each year. Additional funding from the American Rescue Plan could make a huge difference in access to services.
Jake Plue, a proud self-advocate who is deeply embedded in his community in North Carolina, shares his story and provides tips for others on expanding life and activities in the community.
Partners Health Plan (PHP) uses MediSked’s Care Coordination Suite to record data, examine trends, and ensure compliance. In this blog, PHP’s Karleen Haines shares how MediSked has helped Plan members achieve their goals of wellness, best health, and personal growth.
MediSked was proud to be a benefactor sponsor of this groundbreaking initiative to amplify the voices and stories of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as the dedicated professionals who work tirelessly to ensure all individuals can live their best lives in the community.
The Arc recently released their New Strategic Framework for the Future. MediSked was honored to be part of the process as a member of The Arc’s Long-Range Strategic Planning Committee.
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