Improving Whole Person Health

A Simple Way to Improve Whole Person Health

Recent scientific research indicates that spending time in nature can improve cognitive ability, overall happiness, and other measures of mental health.

The State of the State of Indiana - The Hoosier State

[State of the State] Honest to Goodness Indiana!

The current deadline for states to comply with the Final Rule is March 17, 2023. Indiana got out ahead of this deadline through their implementation of a new program.


The State of the State of California

California has announced and rolled out Phase I of an ambitious plan to reshape its Medi-Cal program. The goal of CalAIM is to improve outcomes for the millions of Californians covered by Medi-Cal.

Medicare & Medicaid 57 Year Anniversary - MediSked

Medicare and Medicaid 101

Both Medicare and Medicaid are important programs that allow individuals who cannot or would not have private insurance to maintain coverage for lifesaving medical services. Cheers to 57 years!