Tag: Quality Measures and Outcomes

How Electronic Visit Verification Prevents Fraud, Waste and Abuse

If a service has been approved and payment for that service arranged (by Medicaid or any other payer) – then to be a quality service, it should be both provided and received as intended. EVV is a way to provide a measurement – like a receipt – of the service delivery.

Quality Measures with Sr. Product Manager Dan Sharp

Using Data to Improve Quality

MediSked Sr. Product Manager Dan Sharp shares the importance of quality in the HCBS/LTSS industry and how to improve it.

Quality Measures Banner Image

The Time Has Come For National HCBS Quality Measures

JoAnn Lamphere, DrPH, Former Deputy Commissioner of Person-Centered Supports, New York State Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) & Doug Golub, President, MediSked LLC, explain why it’s time to start implementing a national set of quality indicators for HCBS.

Upcoming Webinar - Value Over Volume: The Shift to Value-Based Purchasing for I/DD

Implementing Value-Based Payments Across the HCBS Continuum

Value-Based Payments (VBP) is a reimbursement model that shifts away from compensating providers based on volume (fee-for-service), and towards a model which rewards providers based on their efficiency and quality of care.

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What You Need to Know About Interoperability

Learn what interoperability is, why we need it, and how MediSked can help in this blog by the Director of MediSked’s Interface & Analytics Consulting Practice.