The State of Electronic Visit Verification in 2022 and Beyond

Electronic Visit Verification in 2022 and beyond

The federal regulation for EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) was implemented at the state level in January 2021 as a part of the 21st Century Cures Act. The goal of EVV is to reduce fraud and abuse by complying with federal and state requirements to improve quality, increase accuracy, promote financial accountability, reduce risk for abuse and neglect, identify and prevent bad actors, and promote opportunities for individuals to live in the community. Certain information is now required for providers to be considered compliant. 

The requirements for EVV are as follows: 

  • Identify the type of service being delivered
  • Identify the individual being served
  • Mark date of service
  • Mark the location of service delivery
  • Identify the employee providing the service
  • Mark the times the service starts and ends

States were able to choose their paths to regulation (closed, hybrid, or open models) and provider agencies worked with their respective departments of health to ensure compliance. MediSked worked with our partners across the country to develop EVV solutions (including integration feeds) to meet these needs prior to the go-live date for Personal Care Services (PCS).

Since the January 1, 2021 go-live, the efforts within the EVV space have not slowed down!

Supplemental EVV projects and work within the PCS space have continued. MediSked has worked for the last year and a half mainly with private payers to integrate with their chosen EVV data warehouse vendors. Several private payers have chosen to work with a third-party vendor to ensure compliance for EVV required services. Similar to the collaboration between MediSked and state departments of health for Medicaid-funded services, MediSked reviewed each payer’s required specifications and created custom integrations with several different vendors.

What’s coming next?

A few different initiatives are a part of the roadmap for 2022 and beyond. MediSked expects to see more private payers choosing EVV data warehouse aggregators and we will continue onboarding our clients. Updated specifications at the state level for Medicaid EVV services include re-certification and updates to integrations with the EVV data warehouses. Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) services will be required through the federal mandate under the 21st Century Cures Act by January 1, 2023.  

If your agency has HCBS services and is curious about how to integrate with your already onboarded EVV PCS services with MediSked, or if your agency is looking for a technical solution to transmit all required EVV data for any of the applicable EVV services, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the MediSked team! MediSked Connect offers a comprehensive suite of EVV solutions that meets all of the requirements of the 21st Century Cures Act and provides access to data feed transmission errors to assist in rectifying identified errors. We look forward to collaborating with our clients to ensure compliance!  

Alyssa Galiney

Alyssa Galiney

Alyssa Galiney, Relationship Manager, joined MediSked at the beginning of 2019 with nearly 10 years of project management and customer success experience. Alyssa’s primary focus at MediSked is providing our partners with 1:1 interaction to assist in illustrating the values and efficiencies experienced from the use of MediSked solutions and support the development of the project scopes of works.

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