Why I Came to MediSked and Why I Stay

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When I was first approached about the recruiting position with MediSked my response was, “I am not really looking but what does MediSked do?” I was given a brief overview of the company that piqued my interest and started my journey to working at MediSked.

I started researching the website and it was the mission statement that hooked me! At MediSked, the mission is to be the leading brand in holistic solutions that improve lives, drive efficiencies, and generate innovations for the human services organizations that support our community. I wanted to find out more about a company whose goal was to make a difference in people’s lives. That was a new concept for me as a recruiter. My current recruiting position at the time was working for a global company with over 120,000 employees. I was responsible for helping people find jobs, career path coaching, and advancing their careers, but not making a significant impact on the larger community. The idea that I could do both was a very exciting idea! With that excitement came a lot of hesitation. I had never thought about working for a smaller company before. After all, they would never be able to complete with a major corporation when it came to salary, benefits, and perks. I quickly found out how wrong I was.

Illustration of a deskMediSked offered perks that most other companies do not. One of the biggest incentives was receiving medical benefits on your first day of employment. This is starting to become more common, but I had turned down other positions in the past because of the waiting period to qualify for benefits. MediSked also offers unlimited paid time off (PTO). That was a new concept for me and I inquired about what does unlimited really mean? So, no I can’t take a month off in my first 90 days, but I do have the flexibility to take time when I need it. In addition, MediSked is very competitive with salaries in the market and offers further benefits including dental, life insurance, disability insurance, and a 401K plan. My question was answered; yes, MediSked can and does offer fantastic, competitive benefits.

Starting with a new company is both an exciting and scary time. When I joined MediSked I had a lot of questions that raced through my mind as I arrived for my first day. Did I make a mistake leaving a company and a job I am comfortable with? Will I like the new job? Is the job really what I thought it was going to be? It isn’t a giant corporation, will I fit in and like the people I work with and make friends? Will they accept me?

This was a new challenge in an area that I was not as comfortable with. I had done significant research after accepting the position, however there is only so much knowledge you can gain before the actual start date. My first few weeks were filled with training, meetings, stand-ups, information on the LTSS space, and background on who our clients are. It was fantastic to learn how the organizations at MediSked collaborated, all working toward the common goal of improving lives. I was mystified to see how willing everyone was to take the time to answer questions and explain things to me. At MediSked, our team recognizes that while we are a software company, at the end of the day we are making a difference in the lives of individuals! I had never worked in an environment with people so passionate about what they do. It was and still is refreshing and remarkable all at once.

I stay at MediSked because I believe in the company and the services we provide. I am challenged daily to be the best I can be, learn all that I can, and work with a great team. At the end of the day I know I have been a contributor to the company.

One of the best things about working at MediSked is enjoying my Sunday nights because I don’t stress about Monday mornings. I look forward to going in to work each morning. As a recruiter, I must believe in the company that I am recruiting for. I need to know the candidates I hire will feel the same way I do about MediSked. Visit our careers page on our website and see all the exciting additions coming to our team!

Bridgey icon which is MediSked's logo

Shelley Smith

Shelley Smith is the HR – Recruiter at MediSked. As an experienced recruiter she has hired applicants for positions in dozens of departments, at levels ranging from interns to upper-level management. In addition she has experience in business development and sales. My experience includes recruiting for many different types of positions including, sales, customer service and computer technology programs.

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