Building on the joint 2015 I/DD Data Digest, MediSked and The Arc of the United States are proud to announce the release of the 2018 Disability Data Digest, a compilation of the latest statistics from the disability field, displayed in an easy to read infographic format.

In the age of information, it can be difficult to discern what data is reliable, relevant, timely, and accurate. This resource provides a snapshot of today’s disability community and highlights the areas in which progress has been made toward achieving parity in access to opportunity and basic human rights, while also delineating the many challenges that still face individuals with I/DD in striving for inclusion and equality.

The report includes a fillable State and Local Advocacy Data Toolkit and detailed statistics about the following topic areas:

  • Socio-Economic Profile
  • Employment
  • Health
  • Independence and Decision-Making
  • Living in the Community
  • Long Term Supports and Services
  • Direct Support Professional Crisis
  • Family Caregiving and Natural Supports
  • Disability and the Justice System

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