Aging & Disabilities Technology Workgroup Launched

Aging & Disabilities Technology Workgroup Launched


Damon Terzaghi, Advancing States

Laurie Robb, MediSked
(585) 405-1987

Arlington, VA – ADvancing States, in cooperation with our members and key information technology partners, is establishing an Aging & Disabilities Technology workgroup to bring together thought leadership from technology sectors, state LTSS, and other stakeholders to serve as a communication bridge between aging & disability policy and the technology utilized in the aging & disability arena.  The initiative, launched in cooperation with MediSked, LLC, is intended to create a transparent forum to address key operational, programmatic, and technical issues that arise in IT systems for state aging and disability programs.

The large sums of money, considerable staff time, and disruption to historic workflows and business processes required with the various evolving IT requirements in health and human services programs create a large amount of risk to state agencies, providers, and the individuals served if the technology does not work as intended.  However, in many cases program and policy staff do not have substantial knowledge of information technology requirements, opportunities, and limitations, while IT staff do not have a clear understanding of the nature of programs administered or the needs and preferences of individuals served. 

“Too often, efforts to upgrade technology end in frustration for both the states and the vendors,” said Martha Roherty, ADvancing States’ Executive Director.  “This can be for a variety of reasons such as RFPs that don’t adequately reflect the technological strengths and limitations, tech companies that don’t understand the nuances of LTSS, or simple misunderstandings about the vocabulary and business processes used throughout the process.  This workgroup represents a great opportunity to break down those barriers.”

“I’m excited to be a part of the foundation of this workgroup,” said Brian Uzwiak, MediSked VP of Technology Operations. “Having worked in healthcare IT for my entire career, this is a unique opportunity to bring the person-centered technology solutions perspective of MediSked to critical discussions about the next generation of state technology for our industry. I hope to help bridge the gap on issues like security and support, as well as increase understanding on how we can make connections between software and systems across organizations, states, payers, and provider agencies.”

The Aging & Disabilities Technology workgroup is intended to bridge the gap between program and technology staff in order to improve collaboration in an open, collaborative environment.  The workgroup will facilitate sharing and learning among companies and states and will provide technical assistance to states and technology vendors regarding the various nuances of aging and disability programs as well as information technology requirements.  The workgroup will also explore opportunities to increase IT efficiencies, reduce duplication across and within state agencies, and expand interoperability so that the information can be established in a manner that truly facilitates person-centered services and supports.

About MediSked

MediSked is the leading brand in holistic technology solutions serving provider agencies, care management / payer organizations, government and non-profits with a focus on individuals receiving home and based community services. The MediSked Connect, MediSked Coordinate, MediSked Connect Exchange and MediSked Portal solutions combine to provide innovative, person-centered solutions to improve outcomes and quality while reducing costs. Founded in 2003, MediSked currently supports clients in 39 states.