MediSked and CQL Partner to Advance the Internationally Recognized PORTAL Data System

CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership recently partnered with MediSked, LLC to implement an extensive upgrade to their PORTAL Data System. PORTAL is used by organizations across the United States, as well as several countries internationally, to gather and evaluate data about personal outcomes and agency supports for analysis at the individual, organizational and national level across hundreds of data elements including disability, residential setting, race gender, geographical location, decision-making authority, age and more.

CQL implemented the MediSked Connect Exchange platform which offers an easy-to-use solution to collect, access and analyze data to drive evidence-based decision-making, evaluate the quality and impact of supports, and improve the quality of people’s lives. PORTAL is used to collect and administer data from CQL’s internationally recognized tools: Personal Outcome Measures® and Basic Assurances®. MediSked’s Connect Exchange platform is a data warehouse designed for the health and human services industry to support person-centered data collection.

MediSked collaborated with CQL to deliver the PORTAL Data System that provides advanced capabilities to capture information through a survey module for analysis and reporting. By using the MediSked Connect Exchange for the PORTAL Data System, CQL partners can evaluate individual and organizational-wide data. At an aggregate level, CQL can then analyze data and produce research to deliver meaningful insights for the human services field.

“The new PORTAL Data System, developed by MediSked, offers organizations a very user-friendly experience for inputting and evaluating their data,” says Mary Kay Rizzolo, president and chief executive officer of CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership. “We look forward to building upon our partnership with MediSked in the future to identify additional ways we can help enhance human services.”

MediSked’s Connect Exchange platform supports the unique business requirements of CQL and directly addresses their customer feedback by offering modernized reports and dashboards, a more intuitive user experience, and improved design. CQL users receive enhanced performance and high system availability within the environment that MediSked provides for the PORTAL Data System. Users of the PORTAL Data System now also have better safeguards to protect against data loss during the entry process.

About MediSked

MediSked is the leading brand in holistic solutions that improves lives, drives efficiencies, and generates innovations for health and human service organizations that support our community. MediSked solutions combine to provide innovative, person-centered technology that improves outcomes and quality, while reducing costs for individuals receiving home and community based services and long-term services and supports through government & oversight, care coordination/payer and provider agencies. MediSked has supported clients across the United States for 18 years and is number 1068 on the 2020 list of Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Companies.