MediSked Joins the COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition

MediSked has partnered with the COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition in order to promote a collaborative industry response to the novel coronavirus. Partners of the Coalition, including MediSked, have dedicated their time to saving lives by providing learning opportunities to aid healthcare delivery and help protect the most vulnerable populations. MediSked is proud to bring unique insights and resources to work together and support those on the front lines in responding to COVID-19.

The COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition’s mission is to help save lives by providing real-time insights to support healthcare workers and protect U.S. populations. They’ve vowed to bring together the best and brightest minds, assets, and insights from across private industry to coordinate a response. They’ve committed to sharing resources, sharing plans, and working together. So far, the Coalition has delivered 675K masks to 60 locations, built a data-driven dashboard to help decision-makers decide the safest way to re-open, and advanced research in plasma treatments. They’ve released an impact report with more details, which can be read here:

“We felt it incredibly important to partner with the coalition amidst these uncertain times to ensure that we stay abreast of new information that could serve our community positively,” said Rachel Hendrickson, Business Development Supervisor at MediSked. “The pandemic has brought upon many new challenges to those we support, and we are committed to being a part of a team with leading insights on how to improve the lives of others through this trying time.”

About MediSked

MediSked is the leading brand in holistic technology solutions that improves lives, drives efficiencies, and generates innovations for human service organizations that support our community.  MediSked supports three lines of business: provider agencies, care coordination / payer organizations, and government oversight. The MediSked Connect – Agency Management PlatformMediSked Coordinate – Care Management PlatformMediSked Connect Exchange – Multi-Agency Business Intelligence Platform and MediSked Portal – Person-Centered Platform solutions combine to provide innovative, person-centered technology that improves outcomes and quality while reducing costs for individuals receiving home and based community services and long-term services and supports. Founded in 2003, MediSked currently supports clients across 17 states, from Maine to California and Alaska.