MediSked Partners with Benchmarks of North Carolina

Furthering its dedication to providing person-centered software solutions in North Carolina, MediSked has signed a corporate partnership agreement with Benchmarks, an alliance of North Carolina agencies helping children, adults and families throughout the state.

As a corporate partner, MediSked will amplify the voices of experts who provide quality services for child welfare, mental health, substance use, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. MediSked is one of the few premier technology vendors that has in-depth experience in supporting statewide Medicaid transformation using integrated end-to-end solutions that were built on the foundation of the federal Health Home State Plan. This allows MediSked to aid Benchmarks’ core value of remedying policy and implementation issues impacting member services and funding at the state level.

“We eagerly join forces with Benchmarks to further our shared dedication to improving lives and creating efficiencies to underserved communities across North Carolina,” said Rachel Hendrickson, Business Development Supervisor at MediSked.

Benchmarks is an alliance of nationally accredited agencies committed to providing quality care, leadership, and accountability in services to children, adults and families in North Carolina.

“We are so pleased to welcome MediSked to our fold of very important corporate partners that help us further our mission of improving quality services and the lives of those we serve,” said Paige Wiggs, Communications Specialist, Benchmarks.

About MediSked

MediSked is the leading brand in holistic solutions that improves lives, drives efficiencies, and generates innovations for human service organizations that support our community. MediSked supports three lines of business: provider agencies, care coordination / payer organizations, and government oversight. MediSked Connect, MediSked Coordinate, MediSked Connect Exchange, and MediSked Portal combine to provide innovative, person-centered technology that improves outcomes and quality while reducing costs for individuals receiving home and community based services and long-term services and supports. Founded in 2003, MediSked currently supports clients and users across the United States. MediSked is number 1068 on the 2020 list of Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Companies.