MediSked Teams with NACBHDD As A Silver Partner

Holistic solutions provider MediSked is adding a strategic partnership with the National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors (NACBHDD). As a silver-level affiliate with NACBHDD, MediSked will support their mission to bring the unique perspective of the counties they represent to Congress and the Executive Branch, while promoting national policies that recognize and support the critical role counties play in caring for people affected by mental illness, addiction, and developmental disabilities.

NACBHDD is the only national, unified voice in Washington, DC speaking on behalf of county, city, and other local governmental behavioral health and intellectual/developmental disability authorities.  They have members in 23 states across the country encompassing 75 percent of the US population and are focused on assuring that national policy strengthens and supports county and other local government authorities responsible for administering publicly funded systems of care for people affected by mental illness, substance use disorders, and intellectual/developmental disabilities.

“At MediSked, we look for partnerships with organizations that share our dedication to improving lives and supporting our community,” said Rachel Hendrickson, Business Development Supervisor at MediSked. “We’re proud to partner with NACBHDD to support the delivery of important advocacy and education across the country.”

NACBHDD’s members believe it is essential for public and private sector leaders at the local, state, and national levels to understand each other’s concerns and priorities and to work together to accomplish the goal of ensuring access to quality therapeutic and supportive services that enable recovery, community integration, and, most importantly, rewarding and fulfilling lives for adults and children with mental illness, substance use disorders, and intellectual/ developmental disabilities and their families.

About MediSked

MediSked is the leading brand in holistic technology solutions that improves lives, drives efficiencies, and generates innovations for human service organizations that support our community. MediSked supports three lines of business: provider agencies, care coordination / payer organizations, and government oversight. The MediSked Connect – Agency Management PlatformMediSked Coordinate – Care Management PlatformMediSked Connect Exchange – Multi-Agency Business Intelligence Platform, and MediSked Portal – Person-Centered Platform solutions combine to provide innovative, person-centered technology that improves outcomes and quality while reducing costs for individuals receiving home and based community services and long-term services and supports. Founded in 2003, MediSked currently supports clients across 17 states, from Maine to California and Alaska.