MediSked’s Doug Golub a Timmy Award Best Tech Manager Finalist 

Top Tech Leader vies for Tech in Motion’s Timmy Awards Trophy in Regional Voting

Doug Golub, President of MediSked, LLC, has been announced as a finalist in the Best Tech Manager category for the 2022 Timmy Awards. Now in its 8th year, the Timmy Awards, presented by Motion Recruitment’s community platform, Tech in Motion, recognizes the top workplaces and people across North America. Managers like Doug Golub are nominated due to their leadership, innovation, and positive influence. Celebrating technology leaders and visionaries who go beyond the requisite duties of a manager, these nominees promote career growth, ensure a great team culture, and lead their team through the unexpected, all while ensuring the highest quality product and/or service.

“Managers and tech leaders have to work harder than ever to bring their teams together in an ever-changing world and empower them to be their very best selves,” said Lindsay Lewis, Director of Marketing at Tech in Motion’s creator, Motion Recruitment. “The Timmy finalists for Best Tech Manager truly value their teams and tirelessly work to help strengthen and motivate them in their professional development.”

“Doug is a fearless leader that is always looking out for the best interests of his people, who is endlessly devoted to our company mission of better the lives of individuals and is always looking for ways to be better and do better,” said Tami Mavity, Chief Transformation Officer at MediSked. “Doug inspires innovation, problem-solving, and optimal performances every day at work.”

For 19 years, MediSked has been the trusted technology partner to health and human services organizations across the country.  As a software and solution provider for providers, payers, and governments, MediSked studies data analytics trends to present ways to improve lives and cost efficacy for service delivery in the long term services and supports sector.

In addition to Best Tech Manager, you can also vote until October 5th in other Timmy Awards categories: Best Tech for Good, Best Tech Workplace for Diversity, Best Tech Enterprise Employer, Best Tech Startup and Best Tech Work Culture. All regional award winners will be announced in October and go on to compete in the national categories. The 2022 Timmy Awards ceremony on November 10th and will once again be a completely digital experience. To vote, RSVP or learn more, visit the Timmys website. 

About Tech in Motion Events

Tech in Motion is a North American events series and community platform that brings local tech professionals together to connect, learn and innovate. What started as a passion project in 2011, by IT staffing and recruiting firm Motion Recruitment, grew into an organization of over 300,000 members across 14 chapters throughout North America. Please visit for more information about our notable speakers, sponsors and events. 

About MediSked

MediSked is the leading brand in holistic solutions that improves lives, drives efficiencies, and generates innovations for health and human service organizations that support our community. MediSked solutions combine to provide innovative, person-centered technology that improves outcomes and quality, while reducing costs for individuals receiving home and community-based services and long-term services and supports through government & oversight, care coordination/payer and provider agencies. MediSked has supported clients across the United States since 2003.


Abby Rose Esposito

Marketing Specialist, MediSked, LLC

(866) 633-4753 x708